Thursday, July 30, 2009

Stupid People

After a recent foray into some very sexist ads inspired an expedition into the modern world of feminists, I have decided that I don't at all want to be what some women think it means to be a feminist. A few weeks ago I read an article in Bust magazine that was....enlightening. After that I found myself enjoying the "honor" of being involved with a feminist blog. My teeth have literally been ground to the pulp. Questions like, "If I want to get a breast reduction does that make me a bad feminist?" in conjunction with statements like "Every man that has sex with you is sexist and is trying to degrade you" inspire me to believe that maybe our top minds aren't being showcased, ladies. I like baking and don't feel that makeup is evil but I also enjoy fist fights and beer. The article that I read was an interview with Diablo Cody. You can make your own mind up about her but I just sat, magazine in hand thinking, Is a feminist a woman who shakes her tits for tips, BUT only because she wants to and not because someone else is making her? Women like Diablo Cody can certainly be labeled something, I'm not sure if it's feminist or not. Currently in the works, as I'm sure you have seen, she is responsible for the steaming pile of excrement that is "Jennifer's Body". It stars Megan Fox and is about a demon that eats men. This could be a cool story but there are so many problems. First off, Megan Fox is not my favorite person, considering her audition for Transformers (thought provoking film that it was) was her washing Michael Bay's car in a bikini, second's a horror movie...this combination of fembots is raping my favorite genre. This is not ok. There aren't many horror movies that can be considered progressive, what with gender stereo-typing and racial pigeon holing. But as far as the Girls-Gone-Wild-Feminists, (I actually have to imagine that they all have voices like the Bush twins from Robot Chicken. It truly, truly is the only thing that keeps me from drop kicking girl babies in an effort to end the stupidity.) Also, I would just like to point out how much kiddy porn is being pedaled these days. Isn't it a little strange that Lady Gaga (age 23) can talk about how she wants to have a foursome with the Jonas Brothers (the youngest of which is 14) and Hannah Montana can dance on a stripper pole at the kids choice awards?? Ok so maybe the older Jonas Brothers are 18 and 19 and Hannah Montana is 16. I have no problem with them wanting to shed their childish images. Start by getting off the Disney channel and smoke a fucking cigarette. Sure, lets edify our sexuality but maybe it would be a good idea to let kids grow up enough first to have a solid definition of what their personal sexuality is. Why does sexuality automatically refer to people displaying a certain type of behavior? Being amoral and a liberal thinker are not synonymous. Today's women are already bombarded with magazines that read more like self help books. The headlines should be "5 steps to making yourself good enough" or "Things that you need to do to keep your man because there is no way he's with you because of your looks". If you want to give your confidence a nice solid hit, pick up one of the magazines as you wait to check out in the grocery store. Bullshit "ad-azines" rife with lamely veiled attempts at bolstering girl power when all that's actually happening is a not so subtle mind fuck. All guys need to do to understand why girls are insane is flip through a few issues. I have actually been to parties where the dialogue went something like this:

Boy: Hey how you liking the party?
Girl: Good! It's a lot of fun. I hadn't seen a lot of these people in like forever.
Boy: You know what would make this party a lot better?
Girl: No! What?!
Boy: If you took your shirt off.
Girl: OK!
(Again the girl sounds like one of the Bush twins from Robot Chicken.)

These are the guys who think that respecting a woman is patting them on the head and telling them they look pretty and the girls they think that they're revolutionary because they are the only "girl" doing something in their group of friends. Then there are the women who think that feminism means you can't enjoy cooking or be a proponent of hygiene. Maybe we should let kids be kids while they can and stop buying into the bullshit. Why can't we just be people?

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